Hilltip IceStriker™ 1600-2600 truck bed salter and sander for 4.5-12 ton esparcidor suspendido de sal nuevo

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Total length (including spinner) | 3000 mm | 3000 mm | 3000 mm
Minimum truck bed length | 2100 mm | 2100 mm | 2100 mm
Maximum external width (with tarp mounted) | 1750 mm | 1750 mm | 1750 mm
Total height of the hopper from the loading surface of the carrying vehicle | 1250 mm | 1390 mm | 1550 mm
Capacity, struck | 1500 l | 2000 l | 2500 l
Capacity, rounded | 1600 l | 2100 l | 2600 l
Weight (empty) | 360 kg* | 395 kg* | 420 kg*
Hopper construction | Poly | Poly | Poly
Spreading width | 1-12 m (may vary depending on material)
Spinner size | 500 mm | 500 mm | 500 mm
Auger diameter (stainless steel) | 150 mm | 150 mm | 150 mm
Conveyor chain width | 300 mm | 300 mm | 300 mm
Material | Salt, sand, granulat/mixed (max 8mm ∅ with auger)
Vehicle | 4,5-12 ton trucks
MODEL | 1600 A/CM | 2100 A/CM | 2600 A/CM
Pre-wet, Spray volume | 3-12 l/min | 3-12 l/min | 3-12 l/min
Spraybar, Spray volume | 5-25 l/min | 5-25 l/min | 5-25 l/min
Pre-wet, Spraying width | 1-8 m (together with spreading material)
Spraybar, Spraying width | 2-5 m | 2-5 m | 2-5 m
Pre-wet, liquid tank capacity | 900 l | 900 l | 900 l
Spraybar, liquid tank capacity | 900 - 2200 l * | 900 - 2200 l * | 900 - 2200 l *
Spraying material | Anti- and de-icing liquids, water, liquid fertilizers **
The Hilltip IceStriker™ 1600-2600 is a 12V/24V electric truck bed salter and sander designed for 4.5-12 ton trucks. Whether you choose the auger or chain as your feed mechanism, this spreader accommodates both. Constructed with a lightweight poly hopper and mounted parts in stainless steel, it guarantees effective protection against corrosion. This exceptional truck bed salt and sand spreader and its advanced STRIKESMART™ control & tracking system help you save money and minimise environmental impact while ensuring powerful de-icing results.
You can effortlessly transform your truck bed salt spreader into a complete liquid-deicing spreader or a pre-wet combi salt spreader. The integrated tanks in the double-walled hopper body can store up to 900 litres of liquid.This truck salter and spreader can be equipped with a 2-metre spray bar or a hose reel, complemented with a handheld spray nozzle for those needing a truck-mounted brine sprayer.
This spreader is compatible with our HTrack™ tracking software. You can track and manage all of your spreading devices and snowplows online on your computer, tablet or smartphone. The program shows treatment route and spreading details on the map in real-time or between specific time intervals. Spreading route details such as speed, GPS location and material used can be summarized and generated as PDF reports.
The controller lets you customize your spreading session according to your current situation. Automatic GPS-speedcontrol adjusts the amount of spreading material (g/m2) according to your vehicle speed, while manual mode lets you insert a fixed auger speed. The controller additionally collects and saves essential data to an USB memory, allowing you to generate spreading reports. The controller also makes it easy to turn on functions, like vibrator, beacon and work light, from inside the cabin.
Stainless steel flip-up chute, designed for spreading salt with high humidity
12 V (standard) or 24 (optional) volt dual motors, mounted inside a sealed weather-resistant enclosure.
Vibrator prevents bridging and de-icing material from clogging by shaking the inverted Vee.
Inverted-V helps reduce heavy start-up loads on the auger/conveyor. All in stainless steel.
Choose the feed mechanism you prefer: auger or conveyor chain. Image shows the 150 mm stainless steel auger.
Built-in tie-down loops for strapping unit to truck
Top screen prevents rocks and big material chunks from getting into the hopper
Two-piece tarp mechanism, prevents spill off into truck bed when filling the spreader
Additional tank for rinsing / cleaning the spray system with anti-freeze liquid after each use
Includes an accessory wire for optional work light, beacon light and rear camera that can be activated from the standard controller
End of material alarm sensor on spinner
Rear & indicator lights for improved visibility
12m hose reel for spraying hard-to-reach areas
2m wide spraybar with 2-5m spraying width
License plate kit
Warning lights / LED Strobe lights
24V motors and control system
Adjustable work light at the rear of the spreader for improved visibility
Leg stand for practical storing and easier removal and installation
Optional color: orange
Adjustable spreading symmetry from inside the cab
Extended chute for truck bed height over 120 cm
Extended auger/conveyor for optimization of vehicle axle loading.
Pre-wet salt liquid kit, nozzles, pump with built-in tanks in spreader construction
Bladder tank stores additional liquid inside hopper
Built-in salt liquid level check for optional liquid system, which also includes an electronic sensor.